It's Friday, as a video I saw a few years back mentioned. The Friday that He was betrayed, tortured and eventually killed. It is on this Friday that I take in all of what has happend in the past year since this same Friday and dwell on the work that has been done and what has been left undone. I think about what sins I have given up and which selfish acts I hold tight to. What I have done in the past I know is not pure and clean and I know I should not do these things any longer, but like Paul I shall move forward with these struggles. Prepared for the battle which is going on for me and around me.
So like the song you now listen to I move on with Him leading me into battle. Always know that it is "by His wounds (on this Friday) that we have been healed". We don't have to fight ourselves for what we did years ago or even yesterday or this morning. He knows all of the hairs on our heads and I can assure you that he had a part in what has happened even if you do not believe the same. He did not get up this morning and think what can I do to him/her to make her grow closer or farther from me. He left that up to US.
So why do we continue to torture and hurt our families, our friends, our Lord. Why do we take comfort in the things that seem so easy to do. Is it convenience that gets you through your day. The convenience of smoking, convenience of porn on a computer, convenience of just driving by His people on the corners that look to you for food. Why do we wish to pass through all of the weekdays only to get to a day of rest that, as a collective whole, do not observe or keep wholy. Why is salvation so unconvienient. Why is an easier way of life so hard to go out and fight for.
Man, Woman and Child you have already been paid for. Your sins have already been forgiven. Your chains can be cast to the floor. But it is you that has to set this as a role in your life. One of the Forgiven. One of His Children. One of those that His blood was shed for. I know you don't think of yourself worthy of these things. I know you think He is nailed up on that tree because of you and me and that you have the hammer and another nail ready to go. But I have a secret. He has gotten off of that tree and not just from the three nails that penetrated his skin but from all of the shots he has taken from us all.
He stands before you now with His arms wide open. Like the father welcoming the prodigal son back to his house and his safety. Walk with Me he says, and walk with your brothers and sisters. Help where you can and leave nothing behind. Love others like I love you. Sacrifice all that I have given to and provided for you. Flip the switch in your life and follow Me. Jump into the waters and be washed by The Spirit. My wife and I will continue our washing this Sunday and I hope you do also. Take the leap of faith with both feet and a whole heart and just watch what He will do with your life.
How's your life doing up till now? Don't think about it, just GO!!!
Bavarian Food
2 months ago