I see that our Lord has blessed us with good weather today when those that are supposed to know how to forcast the weather seemed to have thought it was going to rain. Reminds me of a bumper sticker you may have seen: "If you want to tell God a joke, tell him your plans". No matter how much we try to plan or forcast our future it always seems that God may have other plans. This is one of the key points I've been getting out of the Sun Stand Still book that some of us are reading. Not so much in planning for your future but aligning your life with what God may have planned for you.
I have to laugh when I think about Joshua and most of the Bible, my life and some of the event in it because as a father of young kids I can somehow relate it to a phrase that (tow) Mater says in the movie Cars when he's showing Lightning how to drive backwards. His last comment in the scene is "Don't need to know where I'm going. Only need to know where I've been." Dwelling on it for a while I thought, isn't it nice to know that the war is already won, He's only going to give me what I can handle and that He will lead me to still pastures when my soul grows weary. Joshua and others in the Bible had seen miricles and knew that God could in fact do anything their minds could think of. In today's world how much harder is it for us to know, believe or even think that God could counque things like our enemies, illnesses, ourselves? You know my life has been hectic in the last month or so and I know I'm not through the "fun" quite yet but just knowing about some of these things keep me moving forward with Him leading the way.
Bavarian Food
3 weeks ago