I usually cannot remember yesterday or the day before that and sometimes I pull a Dory (Finding Nemo) and can't remember a couple of minutes ago. But I do remember what I was doing Eight years ago on this date. It was a Beautiful Saturday in Chandler AZ where we were living at the time an were about to get married. Our KSU wildcats had lost to the Huskers but that didn't matter as much that day as it might have any other time they were to play. You see a year and a half of planning our wedding was down to a matter of hours and minutes and I could not wait.
We had arrived at Ashley Mannor with our families and had started doing the regular preshow warm up with photo's, sound checks and other last minute details. I remember one photo of my guys holding me back from jumping over the wall surrounding the place as if I was wanting to escape. Truth be told that was far from reallity as I was ready for this step. So ready that when she walked down the aisle and arrived just short of our Pastor and myself I lept for her hand just a little prematurely. I wanted her and what guy wouldn't. She was a beauty then, always has and always will be. But this outside beauty was just the surface of what I've found since then.
Through these 8 years my wife and I have been through a lot. And that may be under or overstated as I know we still have so much left in our lives. But when you think about a lost job for each of us, two moves half way across the country, purchase of three homes (one we built) and the loss of a good friend all prior to even our fifth anniversary then some might ask how are they still together. To answer I'll give you a portion of our discussions when I lost my job in Phoenix. "How do others make it through life changing events like this without God in their lives"
It was and has been our relationship with God that has pulled us close in all times of our individual and couple needs. Heather got me out of the comfort area of a catholic pew and choir that I enjoyed and showed me what I had been searching for. She reached out and grabbed me and then we reached up for Him as one couple. Little did she know I would take the ball she gave me and make it into a snowball that keeps gaining size and force. That ball is still roling and I hope it never stops as we have a lot left to share. It was her challenge that made me a better person and that better person bacame her Husband eight years ago today and I could never thank her or God enough for that gift I was given.
I don't like to many things enough to love them but my wife will never be overcome by another person or thing (other than God). She is a firm foundation which I have continued my life on. A beacon of light and hope that seas me through the fog of some of my days. The strenghts that lifts me up to be the person my family needs me to be. She is my Angel and Angle, my view to another way, another world.
I love you Heather and always will.
Bavarian Food
2 months ago
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